5 MUST HAVES in your patrol car
Five Must Haves in your Patrol Car
As a woman in Law Enforcement it can be difficult to feel good when you're stuck in a patrol car every day, your hair is greased back into a tight bun, your vest is suffocating you, and your boots are tight tightly. I joke with my friends about what is the best part of coming home? Taking your hair down, your vest off, or your boots?
A patrol car is our office, and in some cases we share cars or have partners. In some cases we get lucky and get assigned our own take home car which is great! You are the only one who drives it and you keep it clean. But, when you're swapping seats you tend to sit in some filth, which leads me to item number 5.
5. Clorox bleach wipes- I don't have room in my bag to cart around a giant container so this small pack is great for wiping down my car before I get in. I am a germ freak and this gives me peace of mind.
4. Yankee Candle concentrated room spray- working in a male dominant field can be stinky, literally. Go out and pick your favorite scent and use it in your car when you run into stinky situations.
3. Systane eye drops- these eye drops are perfect for everyone, they are just tears and I know first hand that when you have the heat, or the air on in your patrol car for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, it tends to dry out your eyes.
2. ONE bar- this is right now my absolute favorite brand and flavor of protein bars. I recommend ordering the variety pack, trying them all and then choosing your flavor. There is nothing worse than not having a healthy option for a snack when you need a little more sustenance to get through your day.
1. and the number one thing that I absolutely love, is...… Evian Brumisateur facial spray. This concept is so simple, yet so geneous. All it is, is water, but, on a really hot day, or dry day, or on a night when you just cant seem to keep your eyes open. Spraying this on your face is like a rejuvenating pick-me-up. It feels so fresh and moisturizing, and gives your skin a light glow. This is my number 1 favorite thing to have with me in my patrol car.
-Love ya'll stay tuned for more tips from the Trooper
Tell me something you HAVE to have in your car?